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The grandeur of the past makes the present grandiose for Lalaounis

Among the top luxury jewelry brands, Lalaounis is among the most prestigious . She owes this notoriety to a particularity which distinguishes her from all: known worldwide for her luxurious gold jewelry inspired by antiquity, Lalaounis brings to life a glorious past by illuminating it with daring modernity. Greece has not finished shining around the world thanks to Lalaounis

The Style of Lalaounis jewelry

In keeping with the personality of a creator passionate about antiquities and a lover of his heritage, the Lalaounis signature is a jewel steeped in history and contemporary in its design. Born in Athens, Ilias Lalaounis draws on his heritage and listens to ancient remains telling him about the art of his ancestors. He then decided to revive a long tradition of goldsmithing by drawing on ancestral techniques and breathing new life into museum artifacts. Through modern creations inspired by ancient ones, he creates a spiritual link with the past that has never been altered. These modern jewels imbued with antiquity play on anachronism and transcend eras because beauty is timeless.

Lalaounis, the shine of gold that never tarnishes

Lalaounis dazzles us because his golds are dazzling. And that only they have the right to shine. Neglecting everything that is not gold, he devotes himself exclusively to the precious metal that he hammers, turns, braids... because it is the purest, most authentic, most "human" material in existence. believe. Hence the reputation of the House, known for bringing matter to life. The alchemy here consists of taking it out of the museums in which it was frozen. With Lalaounis, gold is melted like the eras; temporal spaces collide thanks to its flexibility, its malleability and also its timelessness.

What Know-how for Lalaounis jewelry?

A work of art that seems to come from ancient Greece comes back to life upon your contact: such is the Lalaounis jewel . Ignoring time, the treasures illuminate your face, slip onto your finger, wrap around your wrist or your neck. Superbly crafted, these glorious pieces are entirely handmade. They are distinguished by the richness of their details, the precision required for their execution, and require a long and complex procedure.

The precious metal is hammered to offer you an exquisite finish: it is the hand hammering which plays on the plasticity of gold. Tiny gold beads are fused to the surface of a piece of jewelry: Granulation offers you a unique and ornamental piece.

Hand weaving brings together the most beautiful loops for you for an unbreakable chain. A relief design appears thanks to the Repoussé technique which hammers the back of the metal to delight you.

Filigree, adorn yourself with gold threads in delicate patterns. Cover yourself in openwork lace with Opus interrasile

A golden destination with Lalaounis

Find your treasure…or go back to the era of your choice, you will always be on top with Lalaounis

The trellis becomes romantic when it is studded with diamonds with Aurelia

Travel to the Byzantine era and carry the portrait of Empress Theodora

Nubia takes you back to northeastern Africa, five millennia BCE.

Pay homage to Helen of Troy with pomp and brilliance.

Find your protective amulet with the Hercules Knot.


Lalaounis restores the ancient soul of jewelry and dresses it with modernity. Because it was able to find a treasure that others have lost, probing the past to bring it back to life, the House has something that others do not have: it does not look for treasures; she resurrects them.